Contact us

For baptisms, weddings, and funeral services conducted in English, please, contact the parish in your area. If you are not sure about your parish, please contact our regional office for membership issues.

Pastor of International Ministry in Vantaa

Pastor Sirpa Tolppanen started working in Vantaa in March 2024 and will lead a new English church community in Tikkurila. Please let her know if you are interested in joining activities in English!

Parish union

The offices of the Vantaa parish union are located in Tikkurila.

Vantaa Evangelical Lutheran parishes
Asematie 12a, PL 56, 01301 Vantaa
Central office tel. 09 83 061

Minna Saarnivaara 
Secretary for International Affairs and Multicultural work
tel. 050 556 4756

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