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Tulkaa Kaikki (’All Can Come’)

Openly and reformatively. The Church of Christ belongs to everyone.

’Tulkaa Kaikki’ movement wants to raise honest discussion on the mission of the Church, advance transparent decision-making in the Church, and build bridges between people who think differently.

We want to advocate equality in Vantaa parishes. All parish members must receive equal treatment. For example, church premises need to be open for same sex couples’ celebrations as well as other couples. In the future, all reservations of premises and other services need to be accessible through one service center. We want to open our churches so that parish members can use them more widely for worship and prayer. The parishes need to pay more attention to the state and health issues of our churches and other buildings. Decision-making must be transparent and parish economy must be in harmony with sustainable development. In order to achieve real democracy, the Chairs of the Parish Councils should primarily be elected officials. The Church needs to invest in active membership throughout life by offering services, volunteer work and a possibility to influence to everyone. The Church and the parishes must be close to all members.

Contact information

Eve Rämö, eve.ramo@gmail.com, 0449741458

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